Certificates of Attendance - certificates will be provided to all attendees.
Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals - certification hours will be provided based on session attendance.
Graduate Credit - graduate credit is available through the University of Northern Colorado.
You must have a Bachelor of Arts degree and attend both the pre-conference and conference. The cost will be $70.00, and you will be billed by UNC following the end of the course.
You must be registered no later than June 16th. To register for the UNC one hour graduate credit, you must have a BEAR number. Please get started early on this registration process, in case it takes some time with acquiring the UNC BEAR number, if you have not been a past UNC student. The registration link is: https://extended.unco.edu/courses/courses-workshops/edse-513-601-western-early-intervention-conference/
If you change your mind once you have registered, you must withdraw from the course by June 16th.
For questions about the university credit option, please reach out to Dr. Tanni Anthony at [email protected] More information on requirements can be found here acvrep_and_unc_course_proposal_for_summer_2023_wreic.pdf
Wyoming Professional Teachers' Standards Board - credits will be available based on session attendance.
Wyoming Statewide Training and Resource System (STARS) - credits will be available based on session attendance.
Certificates of Attendance - certificates will be provided to all attendees.
Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals - certification hours will be provided based on session attendance.
Graduate Credit - graduate credit is available through the University of Northern Colorado.
You must have a Bachelor of Arts degree and attend both the pre-conference and conference. The cost will be $70.00, and you will be billed by UNC following the end of the course.
You must be registered no later than June 16th. To register for the UNC one hour graduate credit, you must have a BEAR number. Please get started early on this registration process, in case it takes some time with acquiring the UNC BEAR number, if you have not been a past UNC student. The registration link is: https://extended.unco.edu/courses/courses-workshops/edse-513-601-western-early-intervention-conference/
If you change your mind once you have registered, you must withdraw from the course by June 16th.
For questions about the university credit option, please reach out to Dr. Tanni Anthony at [email protected] More information on requirements can be found here acvrep_and_unc_course_proposal_for_summer_2023_wreic.pdf
Wyoming Professional Teachers' Standards Board - credits will be available based on session attendance.
Wyoming Statewide Training and Resource System (STARS) - credits will be available based on session attendance.