Hiking Gear for Climbing New Peaks in EI
- Joanne Corwin, MSE and BoMee Rittenhouse, B.S. (daughter)
- Paula Landry, M.A. TVI and Maddie Stallman (daughter)
- Sara Kennedy
Professionals in the area of early intervention with young children who are deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually-impaired, and deafblind, will share how their dual role as parents have shaped their work and practice. Insights from their adult children will be shared that address the roles of grit and resiliency in their journey. This panel will focus on practical, applicable concepts, ideas, and strategies (the sensible shoes) that will assist all participants in moving their intervention to new heights.
Learning Objectives:
Learning Objectives:
- Identify at least two concepts discussed that they will implement to change their early intervention practice
- Describe the importance of family to family connections and how to foster this in EI
- Describe the role and importance of young adult role models in early intervention