Welcome to WREIC 2019! Check this home page for daily updates to the conference activities. So glad you're here!
Please note the closing session on Friday will be 12:00pm - 1:45pm. That's 15 minutes later than on the original agenda. |
Registration starts at 8:00am.
Breakfast will be provided Thursday and Friday; however, it will not be served Wednesday.
Pre-Conference sessions start at 8:45am.
Lunch on your own from 12pm-1:30pm.
Afternoon break from 3:00pm-3:30pm.
Open house at Anchor Center for Blind Children from 6:30pm-8:30pm. If possible car pool or Uber/Lyft.
WiFi is not provided.
Room Assignments:
Breakfast will be provided Thursday and Friday; however, it will not be served Wednesday.
Pre-Conference sessions start at 8:45am.
Lunch on your own from 12pm-1:30pm.
Afternoon break from 3:00pm-3:30pm.
Open house at Anchor Center for Blind Children from 6:30pm-8:30pm. If possible car pool or Uber/Lyft.
WiFi is not provided.
Room Assignments:
- Blind/VI Strand: Interlocken Ballroom B. Fundamentals in Vision and Brain Development for Cerebral/Cortical Vision Impairment. NOTE: Dr. Bauer's materials are uploaded to the session page.
- Deaf/HH Strand: Interlocken Ballroom A. Mindfulness: Being Fully Present in the Moment - The Science and Practice. Then, Applying Mindfulness Practices into Early Intervention
Where's everyone coming from? Here are the states represented by WREIC 2019 attendees:
As well as, the District of Columbia, Baja California, and British Columbia |